pride goes before the fall
* Pride is ruthless, sleepless, unsmiling concentration on the self. ~ C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity
* Pride is self-absorption, and there are two kinds: superiority pride and inferiority pride. Pride means you're always thinking about yourself. Either looking at others and thinking you're better than them or looking at others and wishing you could be as good as them, in whatever way.
* Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.
The Deadliness of Pride
* Pride destroys. It makes you a fool. It causes you to blame others for things that go wrong, and not to learn from your mistakes. Pride keeps you from growing.
* Pride makes you evil. Pride is the petri dish in which all sorts of other hellish things grow. After all, the devil is the devil because he was prideful. Think about that!
* Pride is the carbon monoxide of sin. It's the silent killer. You can't see it or smell it. When you're prideful, you usually don't know it. "Who me? I'm not proud." Oh wait. Yes, you are. That was pride right there!
* Heaping religiosity on pride doesn't help. That just makes you a hypocrite.
The Cure for Pride
* Haman, in the Bible story of Esther (Esther 3:1-6, 6:1-10) didn't ask for the wrong things - a robe, glory, delight, etc. He asked the wrong king!
* The reason we are prideful is because we are seeking love and esteem. But the greater the person, or the One, who loves us, the less insecure we are! The praise of the praise-worthy is above all glory!
* To the degree you believe Christ humbled Himself for you, you will be healed of your pride and humbled.
Historical Note: In Bible times, when a king gave someone his robe, it was about more than just honor. It was delight, it was love, it was asking them to share in the glory. It might even symbolize that the king wants them to take over next - to wear the crown! Now think of this in terms of what Christ the King did for you!
(From Tim Keller's sermon "The Man the King Delights to Honor" on 4/29/07.)
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