City Girl

My life in the great city of New York.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

thursday night on the computer

Awhile ago I mentioned a professor who tries my patience. It's been a continued struggle, but I've been working to remeber that "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger," (Proverbs 15:1). I've been trying to hold my tounge and avoid her more than anything. Unfortunately, I'm not the only one in the class who feels this way. Most of the class ignores the prof. when she talks, and we all feel as though we haven't learned anything from the course. And the really bad news is we have to have her for another course next semester! Anyway, I thought I'd share a picture of the group project we completed for the prof. this week. It's a visual representation of the struggles of a first year teacher - personal convictions vs. the realities of teaching. The pictures are midly indicitaive of how we feel about the course...

And after class was done...

I sorta missed out on the "Cyber Monday" thing (this is the first year I've heard of that, by the way), but I've had fun surfing around the internet searching for gifts for my family and for things to add to my own wish list. This evening I found three funky sites on which to while away tons of time!

I love the artsy, creative, kooky things on this site, though I'll admit some of them are a bit too wacky for me to actually put in my home.

This site has some interesting girly finds and is updated daily.

And here's the guy's version. "A web magazine for guys who love stuff." Lots of gadgets and gizmos.



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