City Girl

My life in the great city of New York.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

today's five

It's Today's Five Things' birthday, so, in honor of Patrick and T5T, here are five random things.

1. It's exactly 25 steps from the door of my dorm building to the cafeteria door. That means I only have to suffer through the heat for a few steps in order to get to the rest of campus and class or the library.

2. Broadway in the Park was cancelled because of the "heat wave" and we're all being urged to conserve power because it's been 101 degrees. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 80.

3. I bought more underwear. You all remember what doing laundry in college was like, don't you?

4. My printer smells like Fritos. Well, the paper that comes out smells like Fritos. It doesn't before it goes through, only after. I think it's the ink.

5. There are exactly two more weeks of class in the summer term! Yay for that! Boo for all the big projects and fifteen page paper I have to do before August 16.


  • At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I own over 20 pairs of underwear. I understand. :) Love ya sis!

  • At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I keep imagining this "Sex in the City" background with the cute clothes, and shopping, and New York. I FAITHFULLY read your blogs...keep them up girl! You are such an adventure-seeker!


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