City Girl

My life in the great city of New York.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

the end is near

I haven't been doing a very good job of keeping up with the blog, and I have to blame it on all the end of term projects and papers. Suddenly there seems to be a ridiculous amount of work! Look at this schedule:

8th - group presentation on two curricular lenses (We chose constructivism & interdisciplinary.)
9th - present my "artistic response and call to action for a social justice issue" (Which actually turned out pretty cool and which I got printed for free at Kinkos because their printer made a little mark on the paper.)
10th - turn in a scrapbook with memories of the curriculum I had in kindergarten through 12th grade (And I can't even remember all my teacher's names! But I do love how its looking. I worked on it in the lounge the other night, and everybody who walked by seemed really intrigued...)
15th - group presentation on science curriculum examined through those two curricular lenses AND a visual representation of the history of a curriculum issue (such as testing, small schools, etc. I don't know what I'm doing for that...)
16th - 15 page paper on multicultural curriculum and presentation with a partner on multicultural lesson plans

And that's in addition to the many pages of reading each day. It's crazy! But the good news is: The term ends one week from today! YAY!

I'm also in the process of registering for the fall and spring semesters, and those schedules are looking pretty bare. It seems like I'm going to have lots of free time to entertain all you visitors! Start making plans now... Another highlight of the week: It looks like I may be able to finish in time to graduate in May! Woo Hoo!


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